Tag Archives: Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40:25

Who Is Comparable To God?

“To whom then will you compare Me, that I should be like him?” says the Holy One.

Isaiah 40:25

Who is comparable to God? There is no one like Him. There is no one comparable to Him. Have you ever tried to explain God to a young child? It’s hard to do; a child’s world is full of magical characters like:

  • Santa Claus, who “sees you when you’re sleeping”,
  • The Tooth Fairy who sneaks into your room and exchanges money for a forgotten tooth underneath a pillow
  • The Easter Bunny who hides plastic eggs on the lawn
  • The boogeyman who will get you if you “sing at the table or whisper in bed”

But these characters, and others like them, are not comparable to God and His greatness.

As we grow older, these fantasies are replaced by super heroes who have their own legends to live up to. Today most super-brave, over-accomplishing, fictional characters have complete historical backgrounds built around their super-ness, which kids of every age thrill to discover.

However, these super characters pale in the light of our powerful God.

As adults we may lay aside the whimsical heroes and felons of our childhood, but often we replace these fanciful feelings with idolization of those who we consider to be great in their own rights. We try to compare man and his accomplishments to God and His greatness. Maybe it’s because it’s easier for us to quantify man, because God is immeasurable, but no one is comparable to God.

  • Man can be placed in time and space, but God is omnipresent–He has the power to be everywhere at the same time
  • Man can be awarded with certificates and mark off his learning achievements, but God is omniscient–He has unlimited knowledge and understanding
  • Man’s authority, influence, and power is measured by those who follow him, but God is omnipotent–He has infinite power and authority

No one is comparable to God; no fictional character we can imagine, no person who has achieved the ultimate pinnacle of success, and nothing we create with our hands can compare, either.

To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him? An idol!

A craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and casts for it silver chains.

He who is too impoverished for an offering chooses wood that will not rot;

he seeks out a skillful craftsman to set up an idol that will not move.

Isaiah 40:18-20

Who is comparable to God? No one… there is no one comparable to God. There is no one else who has immeasurable power, unending authority, boundless mercy, and everlasting love.

God’s love cannot be compared to any other love we will ever know.

Isaiah 40:25
Isaiah 40:25 ESV