Tag Archives: homeschooling

Home Schooling Moment

I can’t believe the summer has ended–well, officially on 9/21–but as far as the season goes and homeschooling, the summer has come to an abrupt end. Daughter #4 is preparing to take college classes, so I only have Daughter #5 to homeschool this year. What a difference! The school closet is cleaned out and I had enough books handed down from previous “students” that I didn’t have to purchase any books this year. She’s not excited about that, but The Farmer is!

It’s kind of a bittersweet moment thinking about all the time and effort we’ve put into this homeschooling thing. The preparation, the cost, the frustration, the head-butting, (and banging). But all-in-all, it produces a pretty good return on our investment.
What satisfaction to think that I was the one responsible for teaching them their letters and sounds, and hearing them form their first word and listening to them begin to read everything they see; a sign, a note, the back of a cereal box… And watching them as they figure out the curves in cursive writing; writing their name over and over on papers, napkins, and even the plastic table cloths at a church banquet (fortunately, they’re disposable). Or the repetition of math facts, spelling words, Scripture memorization, and the constant call (from me) to “get busy”. 

Of course the greatest evidence of a successful student is seeing each one becoming an adult, and successfully going on to begin their own life as a wife or a husband, or take on a new job or career. And whichever road they decide to go down, I’m excited for them. Such is the circle of life. 

But as I said, I still have one more learner here, and for at least three more years I’ll be a homeschooling mom. So, today being the first day of our new school year, the sweet, familiar sounds of homeschool begin once again:

“Aww, come on Mom, do I really need to know this!”

Megan laying head on table
1st day of Algebra 1…Looks like it’s going to be a long year!!

Fortunately, a science project always makes the day a little more enjoyable. 🙂

If you have ever thought about home schooling, here are a few resources you may find helpful:

And if you are in the throes of your own homeschooling experience, here are a few encouraging resources: