Tag Archives: hard boiled eggs

How To Peel A Hard-Boiled Egg Without Smashing It Against The Wall

How To Peel A Hard-boiled Egg

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????–Without Smashing It Against The Wall

Well the title may be a little extreme, but some of you may be able to relate to what I’m talking about. Several times in my life (usually before a big BBQ), I have tried to make deviled eggs and end up peeling chunks of the white part off, because the shell won’t come off.

One time I was having the kids over and deviled eggs was on the menu. I boiled the eggs, sat them aside while I fixed everything else, and at the last minute remembered that I hadn’t gotten them fixed yet. As usual, I cracked the egg shell on the counter and started peeling away the shell. And as usual, it took part of the egg white with it.

I usually made extra eggs just for this reason, so no problem. But then I started peeling another one…same thing. And the next one and the next…each egg was completely ruined because I couldn’t get the shell off. On the last one I attempted, it started tearing apart so I struck it with my hand and smashed it all over the counter. (temper, temper) I was so frustrated, now I had no eggs and a mess to clean up, too.

I knew I had to find a better plan. I searched the internet to find out how to peel a hard-boiled egg and found that there were many opinions out there.

  • Peel it hot
  • Peel it cold
  • Peel it fresh
  • Peel it old…

Fortunately for me, Daughter #2 shared the best way I’ve ever found. Her husband’s grandmother gets all the credit, but I thought I would share it with you.

Take a straight pin (I use one I got from a corsage) and pierce the egg before cooking.

111 pin in egg

Place the eggs in a pan of water that just covers the top of the eggs. Bring to a boil and cook on medium high for 10 minutes.

112 boil eggs

After the eggs are finished boiling, run cold water over the eggs. Just until they are cool enough to touch. Crack each egg until the shell resembles crackle glass, and place them back into the water.

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After you have all the eggs cracked, simply peel the shell off; it should peel off without any problems.

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Works for me every time!

115 perfect eggs