Tag Archives: autumn

calf lying in a field

The Saga Of Number Nine Bovine


Number Nine Nearly has a “Nother

October already! The leaves are changing…the weather is cooler. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but the days seem to be passing at an alarming rate!

The fall calving season is well underway. It’s been very successful so far this year; we have even had 2 sets of twins! Unfortunately, we did lose one, but the other 3 are doing well. All of the mommas have been protecting their babies from their predators, and we are about to get our largest calf crop ever! Continue reading The Saga Of Number Nine Bovine

Fall Has Arrived

The days are slowly becoming shorter and the nights are dipping down into the 50’s. The official first day of autumn is just around the corner, but fall has arrived early on the farm. Our fall-calving season is in full swing, and we have six brand new baby boys kicking up their heels in the field. (Which is very exciting because steers are worth more than heifers).

We had some beneficial rains in June and cooler than normal temps in July, which left our fields green and fertile. Unfortunately, the weather turned dry and hot, and now our fields are beginning to suffer the consequences. We got less than 1” of rain the last two months.

Our cattle are on a rotational grazing cycle, which means we move them every three or four days into a fresh paddock of grass. Because of the dry weather, we have to move them more often to keep the grasses as healthy as possible. Believe it or not, the cows always tell us when they need to move on. When The Farmer jumps on the four-wheeler, if they are ready to move, they begin bawling, “Mooooove! Mooooove!”  So he lets them into a new paddock, because happy cows make happy calves. 🙂