trees in a heavy snow storm on the farm

Ready To Spring Forward

Good news—Spring is only 17 days away! This Sunday will be the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, where we set our clocks to “spring forward” an hour.

Bad news—we lose an hour of sleep, and Winter is still refusing to leave!

We’ve had to cancel church 4 times this year because of snow or ice, and I know other churches have done the same.

So, yeah baby, it’s cold outside!! Well except for the couple of days we’ve had when it went up into the upper 50’s and 60’s. Weather is never boring when you live in Missouri.

However, the great thing about living in the country during snow storms is that I get snowed in. I love it. Not having to worry about going anywhere, not worrying about company stopping by, being able to stay in my pajamas until 10:00. In fact, there’s been 2x’s this year that I didn’t even put on makeup!

And it has given me more opportunity to work on my goals for the year. I can’t believe it’s the 4th of March and I’m still talking about goal setting. I usually don’t last this long.

So just an update of what I’ve set out to do and what I’ve accomplished:

My first goal was to lose weight and get healthier. Update: I’ve lost 15 lbs! Not great, considering it’s been 8 weeks, but I’m grateful for what I’ve lost. Just disappointed that I haven’t lost it faster.

I’ve been really strict following the keto diet—no sugar for the first 6 weeks, less than 20 carbs per day, and intermittent fasting (which I love!) on a daily. I mean, seriously, for a grazer (me) to be able to go 16-30 hours without eating is pretty amazing!

However, I did set my goal to lose 30 lbs. by April 15, and that’s only 6 weeks away. Doing the math, I may not make it. Stay tuned.

My next goal was to be more active on my website: Update: Well…I have been active on this website. This is my 6th post, so that’s pretty consistent. Oh yeah, I’ve also updated some of my recipes, downloaded a new recipe plugin, re-setup my subscribe button, and started 4 new subdomains off of LifeWithaFarmer. One is for my recipes, one is for my keto info, one is for teaching others about starting a website, and the last one is for Bible study.

In case you’re not understanding the implication of the craziness; I had a goal of being more active on 1 website, so to remedy that I started 4 more. Yeah… may not be crushing this goal setting thing after all. 

Anyway, I think I’m doing well on the diet front, but I think I need to keep working on the website thingy. Maybe drop a subdomain? But I’m thinking I like to build websites more than I like to maintain a website.

I will be keeping my recipe domain. Maybe next week will be its debut.

Thanks for stopping by, and as usual I would love to hear who’s out there and what you have to say.

OH! And if you want help building a website I’m your guy gal!

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2 thoughts on “Ready To Spring Forward

  1. Sticking with a goal when you are not receiving the encouragement of progress as quickly as you hoped for is a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT every day that should be celebrated (but not with food!) Thanks for the update.

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