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My Keto Journey – Week 2

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My Keto Journey – Week 2

When I began the Keto 28-Day Challenge, I thought I would be able to go through it fairly easily, because I’m a stay-at-home mom. And what do we assume stay-at-home moms do? Right! Stay at home. Mmmm. Not so much.

The first week went well, although I did have to substitute 2 meals because I was running errands. However, during week 2 there were a lot of skipped meals and substitutes. In fact, I reverted back to just trying to maintain my macros as opposed to following the meal plan.

Skipping breakfast was the biggest struggle I had in week 2. I usually don’t eat breakfast and so it was hard for me to remember to eat. By the time 9:00 or 10:00 rolled around, I would remember that I had forgotten and decided it was too close to lunchtime by then since I’m trying to keep my meals at least 5 hours apart.

There were several days spent out running errands in week 2, so lunch was usually a protein and a healthy fat out somewhere, and an unhealthy meal one day. Supper was just as chaotic. I only ate the meal plan two times.

The Success of Any Plan

Well, enough of the excuses. There is always something that comes between us and our “best laid plans”. However, the success of any plan has one key component if it’s to be accomplished; follow the plan. I failed to do that in week 2, which definitely shows in the final results of the week.

Fun Fact

Eating out on keto is not really as hard as you may think. It can be quite simple. For example, most fast food restaurants are familiar with people ordering low carb, so if you order a burger without a bun, they usually place it in a container on top of a leaf of lettuce and give you a spork to eat it with. You can have the meat, cheese, mustard, onions, mayo, tomato, bacon, and depending on how strict you want your carb count, you may also be able to get ketchup.

Arby’s is really keto friendly. A Classic Roast Beef with mayo is almost the perfect percentage of macros:
• Fat 74%
• Protein 25%
• Carbs 2%

KFC is okay, but not great. For example, 2 extra crispy drumsticks macros are:
• Fat 56%
• Protein 32%
• Carbs 12%
You could add some ranch dressing to bring up the percentage. The problem comes when you buy the KFC Value Box for $5 bucks and you are tempted to eat the mashed potatoes, the buttery biscuit, and the warm chocolate chip cookie. Then your macros look something like this:
• Fat 51%
• Protein 14%
• Carbs 35%

Fortunately, the Carb Manager lights up in red, labels the food with an “F”, and sends out warnings to “Avoid this food”!

It helps to have an app like Carb Manager to calculate the macros when you’re eating out.

The Results of Week 2 on the Keto 28-Day Challenge

So what are my results for week 2?

In week 2 I lost 2 lbs. Woo-Hoo! Not the greatest result, however, I did lose 3 inches off my waist, and in the 5 major areas that I’m tracking, I’ve lost a total of 9 inches.

Pros and Cons—So Far

The pros to the 28-Day Keto Challenge is that the recipes are simple and tasty. I’ve become more familiar with the plan, so I’m able to know what meal will allow me to have leftovers, and I’m able to incorporate them with my regular meal planning much easier.

The con has been totally on me. I haven’t used the plan to maximize it’s potential.

There have been other benefits to this way of eating that I would like to share some time, which I’m more excited about than the weight loss. Maybe at the end of this challenge I can.

In the meantime, stay tuned. If you have tried the keto diet, or if you’re on it now, I would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. If you would like to start your own 28-Day Keto Challenge >>Click Here<< to use my affiliate link.

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Image Credits: Pixabay.

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2 thoughts on “My Keto Journey – Week 2

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. It has motivated me to start Keto and give it a go for at least 30 days. If it works out I am willing to go on this diet for good, but we’ll see. I will try to learn from your experiences and follow the plan to a T.

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