Category Archives: Home

Gender Contender

I received a panic text from my daughter-in-law recently, asking my opinion concerning a subject matter that I happen to be an expert on.

Seems there was a huge debate in her office and she had to use her connections outside of her professional realm to resolve the issue so her office could get back to running proficiently.

So she asked, “Would you prefer to have 5 boys or 5 girls? In your experience, being a “boy-mom” or a “girl-mom”, which would be more challenging?”

Well, my first thought was 5 is challenging, but knowing that she was needing an immediate answer to this probing question (and since I was sitting at a stop light), I quickly answered back, “Boys are more challenging.”

Ok, I can already hear all those boy-moms out there disagreeing with me, because I’ve heard this discussion a dozen times before, as I’m sure you have. So, it appears that boy-moms seem to be relieved that they didn’t have to mess with all the girly-ness of having a girl, as much as girl-moms are relieved that they didn’t have to mess with all the boy-ness of having a boy.

So I thought I would settle the debate right here, right now.

Being a Mom is challenging-period! No matter which gender you are blessed with, parenting is difficult.

I mean, there are a few parents out there that may have been fortunate enough to raise one child who did everything on schedule and perfectly, I don’t know any, but the world is full of miracles so there may be a perfect child or parent out there. However, most of us have had “normal” kids who have used up all of our intellect and resources just to get them to first grade, and then they become teenagers and it became a whole new ballgame.

Fortunately, God makes sleeping babies so adorable that most women, at one time or another, find themselves thinking, “Oh, babies are so adorable I want to be a mom.”

However, when that woman brings home that beautiful, blissful bundle of joy she unwraps a fragile, frightening farrago of emotions (had to look that one up, there are not that many “f” words out there).

Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter, none of them come with a set of directions, none of them come with an on or off button, none of them come without financial, emotional, and relational stress.

Girl or boy, it doesn’t matter, every one of them is different in their unique ways. One may be pliable and obedient, and the other strong-willed and obstinate. They all come with their own set of unchartered challenges.

By the time you get your infant into a routine that is cohesive to the rest of your family, they do an awful thing and become a 2-year-old. It’s fortunate babies aren’t born 2 years old. I’m confident that people would stop having kids if their baby started out as a 2-year-old.

But then that toddler, boy or girl, gets past the terrible two’s and becomes a walking talking bundle of “Why?”

“Let’s pick up our toys, so we can go to the store.”

“Eat your sandwich and you can have a cookie.”

“Let’s give Daddy a hug so we can go to bed.”

And about the time you think you’re going to go crazy if you hear one more “Why?” the inquiring 3-year-old grows to be an independent, semi-self-reliant part of the family, with only an occasional outburst of misunderstanding or emotional meltdown. But don’t get too comfortable, all too soon that girl or boy becomes a teenager, and we all know why God didn’t make babies teens when they are born.

Teens have their own set of troubles and challenging conflicts. I’ve always assumed it was God’s way of preparing us mothers (and dads) to embrace the separation of our children. By the time we go through a few years of them being teenagers, we are ready to allow them to go off on their own and prove themselves to be the self-reliant, independent, responsible adult we have always wanted them to be.

Kind of like going to the dentist and allowing him to do whatever needs to be done to rid you of the throbbing, infected tooth that has plagued you for way too long and the only thought you have in your mind is that you have to get rid of the pain and get back some sanity. No matter what the cost, no matter what the procedure. Just rip it out!

So, yeah, raising kids is challenging no matter which gender. But speaking from a point-of-view of a mom of 9 (5 girls, 4 boys) and over 40 years of raising babies, I can honestly say I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything in the world.

I love being “just a mom”!

Never Too Late

The call came late in the evening on March 18, 2018. “Your Dad doesn’t have much longer. You had better come, before it’s too late.”

Hanging up the phone, I knew it was already too late. Too late to hold his hand, too late to hug his neck, too late to say I love you, too late to say good-bye.

It’s too late to sit at the kitchen table and drink a cup of coffee with Dad, while he recalled some long-lost adventure from his youth.

It’s too late for me to answer the casual questions he asks me each time I go out to visit: “Is Ron in the hay field?” “How are the kids?” “Did you plant a garden this year?”

It’s too late to hear Dad chuckle at something one of us would say. Dad had a great sense of humor, and I appreciated every smile, every raised eyebrow and the nod of agreement that I shared with him.

It’s too late to hear him call out to me and Mom to “be careless” as we walk out the door to go on an occasional errand. And then he would say that was what the ‘ole man down the road used to tell him, and I would smile realizing that he was the ‘ole man down the road now.

It’s too late to… It’s just too late.

That’s the sad part of life; saying good-bye and never having another chance to do the day-to-day, unappreciated, seemingly unimportant relational interacting with each other. The little things that we take for granted or the things that go unnoticed, until it’s no longer there.

There’s no way to prepare for it; there’s no way we know what we’ll miss about a person. After someone is gone, it’s too late. It’s too late for me and Dad to share any more memories together. It’s too late; the time we had together has ended.

Yes, it’s so true; for now our time together has ended and it’s too late to make new memories. However, I know the Creator of time-God-and nothing is ever too late for Him.

It’s never too late for God to mend my broken heart. It’s never too late for God to fill me with His peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s never too late for me to rest upon the hope that has been given.

Death isn’t the end; not for Christians. If you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are promised eternal life.

“O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, where is thy victory?”
…Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15:55-57

When I was 21 years old, I made the decision to know God and to accept His provision for eternal life. Dad also made that decision.

Although our time runs out this side of life, it’s never too late for Christians.

Jesus has prepared a place for us who choose Him as our Lord. When a Christian’s life is over here on earth, our spirits are transported to that place that Jesus has prepared. (John 16)

Dad and I will never meet again on this side of glory, but one day we will both be together, kneeling at the feet of Christ; worshiping the Father for His goodness and mercy; living eternally with the One who created us all. In Heaven, it’s never too late.

The Path

My Dad was strong and faithful, loyal and true.
The path he walked was followed by few.
He shared his path with his loving wife,
Together they walked 63 years of life.

Upon this path I’ve been allowed to track,
All the memories he’d share from way, way back.
On solid ground he walked from day-to-day,
Never straying from the path that before him lay.

He was as strong as a bull and as harmless as a bunny,
But the best thing about him; he was so darn funny.
There was never a time he didn’t make me laugh.
And I enjoyed each moment we spent on his path.

In recent years noticing his path growing dim,
I knew like all good things; it would come to an end.
He continued his walk through this world unknown,
Until he was guided to his heavenly home.

As I looked back upon the path he had walked,
I was grateful for each and every shared talk.
When my path ends, I’ll see him on Heaven’s bright shore
And we’ll meet once again for evermore.


I love you Dad, with all my heart
trees in a heavy snow storm on the farm

Ready To Spring Forward

Good news—Spring is only 17 days away! This Sunday will be the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, where we set our clocks to “spring forward” an hour.

Bad news—we lose an hour of sleep, and Winter is still refusing to leave!

We’ve had to cancel church 4 times this year because of snow or ice, and I know other churches have done the same.

So, yeah baby, it’s cold outside!! Well except for the couple of days we’ve had when it went up into the upper 50’s and 60’s. Weather is never boring when you live in Missouri.

However, the great thing about living in the country during snow storms is that I get snowed in. I love it. Not having to worry about going anywhere, not worrying about company stopping by, being able to stay in my pajamas until 10:00. In fact, there’s been 2x’s this year that I didn’t even put on makeup!

And it has given me more opportunity to work on my goals for the year. I can’t believe it’s the 4th of March and I’m still talking about goal setting. I usually don’t last this long.

So just an update of what I’ve set out to do and what I’ve accomplished:

My first goal was to lose weight and get healthier. Update: I’ve lost 15 lbs! Not great, considering it’s been 8 weeks, but I’m grateful for what I’ve lost. Just disappointed that I haven’t lost it faster.

I’ve been really strict following the keto diet—no sugar for the first 6 weeks, less than 20 carbs per day, and intermittent fasting (which I love!) on a daily. I mean, seriously, for a grazer (me) to be able to go 16-30 hours without eating is pretty amazing!

However, I did set my goal to lose 30 lbs. by April 15, and that’s only 6 weeks away. Doing the math, I may not make it. Stay tuned.

My next goal was to be more active on my website: Update: Well…I have been active on this website. This is my 6th post, so that’s pretty consistent. Oh yeah, I’ve also updated some of my recipes, downloaded a new recipe plugin, re-setup my subscribe button, and started 4 new subdomains off of LifeWithaFarmer. One is for my recipes, one is for my keto info, one is for teaching others about starting a website, and the last one is for Bible study.

In case you’re not understanding the implication of the craziness; I had a goal of being more active on 1 website, so to remedy that I started 4 more. Yeah… may not be crushing this goal setting thing after all. 

Anyway, I think I’m doing well on the diet front, but I think I need to keep working on the website thingy. Maybe drop a subdomain? But I’m thinking I like to build websites more than I like to maintain a website.

I will be keeping my recipe domain. Maybe next week will be its debut.

Thanks for stopping by, and as usual I would love to hear who’s out there and what you have to say.

OH! And if you want help building a website I’m your guy gal!

3 yellow baby cell phones

My Phone Can Read My Mind

Does your phone read your mind? Mine does. No question about it!

I mean, we have known for years that “big brother” is watching us. Listening in on our conversations and spying on us through our electronics. But it has gone so much farther than that. I have proof that my phone can read my mind!

black cell phone, blue-green background

Oh, wait…I need to take my phone into the other room and disconnect from the internet.

Ok…anyway, I was saying that our electronics are so advanced that I’m not sure anymore if I’m using them or if they’re using me!

I realize that G-o-0g-l3 (scrambled the name on purpose), anyway—I realize that all my electronics are signed into G-o-0g-l3, so I’m not surprised when I start searching something on my phone it begins to show up in my search suggestions on my computer.

And I can almost understand it when I go to a furniture store and I start receiving ads the next day for furniture through G-o-0g-l3 ads. I assume it’s because I’m being tracked by G-o-0g-l3 maps.

Or if I’m talking on my phone or I go out to lunch with someone and our phones are laying on the table, G-o-0g-l3 is using some kind of spyware to listen in so they can send me “targeted ads”.

But here recently it’s been much creepier than that!

Wait…I saw a small light flicker in the corner of my computer. Let me encrypt this page. I’ll be right back.

Ok, so I was saying that I can understand that G-o-0g-l3 may be able to pick up on some of the activities I’m doing and start loading my FB feeds and sidebar ads with their targeted suggestions, but here lately things are showing up that I don’t even talk to anyone about, or haven’t even researched online.

mobile screen icons

I know I sound paranoid, but it’s happened on at least 3 occasions!

The 1st time I thought it was just a coincidence. I had been watching a lot of Y0utoob (disguising the name) about keto and low carb dieting. And I “thought” (didn’t say anything, just thought about it), but I thought, “I wonder if this diet would have a negative effect on me since I don’t have a gall bladder?”

I had that thought while I was fixing dinner, and before I went to bed that evening I received this link from Thomas DeLauer, “Tips for Keto with no Gallbladder”.

Hmm, that was convenient, I didn’t even have to search for it.

A week or so later, I was a little discouraged, maybe just disappointed, that although I was losing weight, I wasn’t losing it as quickly as I had hoped. So, as I was standing in front of the mirror I thought, “I wish I could do something to quickly get rid of my belly fat.”

The next time I opened my phone I noticed a link of a video was sent to me from Dr. Berg called, “How to Lose Belly fat: FAST!

Seriously? I mean, that’s a coincidence. Right?

But when it happened the third time, I knew someone or something was somehow tapping into my brain waves and reading my mind!!

A few nights ago I was getting ready for bed and I thought, “Apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss. I wonder how much I should drink and how often?” By the time I got out of the shower the next morning, I had a notice from Y0utoob sharing a link from Dr. Nick Zyrowski called, “How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Drink?” And the next video that popped up was another video of his called, “When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar For Best Results”.

Coincidence? Or just creepy?!

I don’t know how it’s happening. How can my phone be reading my mind? Wait…it’s an A-p=pl3 phone (misspelled). And we all know the symbolism of the original A-p=pl3 and how it was used to deceive mankind.

bitten apple Apple logo

Maybe my A-p=pl3 phone is trying to control my life. Maybe it’s not really my idea to be eating the keto diet. Maybe G-o-0g-l3, A-p=pl3, and Y0utoob are so advanced in artificial intelligence that they are taking over my mind and making me believe that the things I am watching and reading and buying are my ideas.

What other reason would there be for being able to put things on my phone that I was only thinking about? How else would they know what was in my mind?

I mean, it’s not like I talk out loud to myself, right?

Hmm, “Hey Siri, do I talk to myself out loud.”

Siri: “I don’t have an opinion on that.”

Yeah, right. Just another diversion tactic.

Psalm 94:11

Image Credits: DeviantArt, PxHere, modified.

handwritten my goals

Life-Changing Goals

Six weeks ago I started a life-changing list of goals that included:

  • Diet
  • Blog
  • Spiritual
  • Wealth

For the first few weeks, I had been succeeding in meeting my goals in weight loss, so I decided to venture off into the next step which was being more active on my website.

So for the last three weeks I have been more active on my website, but unfortunately, I haven’t been blogging; I’ve been fixing. Well, breaking and then fixing.

Before writing more post, I thought I needed to update a few posts and pictures; you know, like you would clean your house before special guests come to visit.

And I also wanted to get my recipe plugin setup “Juuuust right” so I could post new Keto friendly recipes!

Unfortunately, when I started fixing my website, I accidentally deleted some information and pictures, lost a few precious comments left by my special guests (you guys), and at one time my whole website went down completely.

Fortunately, my website is hosted with Bluehost and the customer service there is outstanding! I could call or chat 24/7, and after several friendly conversations through chat, I think we have things up and running again. And good news, since my viewership is so small, I don’t think anyone noticed; bad news, my viewership is so small. 🙂

So, on with my goal of being more active on my website!

To be successful with this goal, I am again trying to follow the SMART outline for succeeding. Wow! Listen to me being a goal setter. (LOL!)

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Gosh, it’s hard to actually put myself out there, but I need the accountability, so here it goes:

  • Specific: I’m going to be more active with my website, posting, and networking
  • Measurable: I’m going to post once a week; an article, an opinion, or a recipe
  • Attainable: I mean, it’s only one 300—800-word article per week-that should be attainable. Anyone can do that, right?
  • Relevant: Yes, posting, networking, updating the backend of my website will definitely help me to achieve the goal of being more active on my website.
  • Time-bound: Well, I would like this to be a life-changing goal, but for now I’m going to put a time frame of 21 days. I can do anything for 21 days, right?

Hey! Thanks for stopping by. If you would like to keep me accountable, or if you would like to see the awesome recipes that I plan to post, click the Subscribe button. I’m the only one that gets your email address, and I definitely won’t be sharing with anyone.

Thinking about starting your own blog or website? The first thing you’ll need is a hosting company. I highly recommend Bluehost. I’m a Bluehost affiliate because I have personally experienced their awesome customer service and reliable hosting. However, the deciding factor for me to choose Bluehost for my website was the fact that they never host adult only sites. Click on the image below to find out more.

I Can Do All Things

I Can Do All Things, for 21 Days

I’m sure we’ve all heard this before; it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

I’ve personally practiced this principle in every area of my life. When I want to remember something I need to do, I say it over and over 21 times to myself. If I want to memorize a verse, I write it over and over 21 times and then practice saying it out loud 21 times. As I am teaching myself to play piano, I play a difficult note or set of notes over and over 21 times before moving on.

A habit, as we all know, forms in the brain and it continues as a loop, playing over and over in our brains like that song that never ends. Remember that?

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend.

Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,

And they’ll continue singing it forever just because,

This is the song that never ends… (you get it, right?)

Anyway, that’s what our habits do in our brains. A habit is usually triggered by something. Just like Pavlov and his salivating pooch, something triggers us, we do our habit, and we receive our “reward” for doing what we should or shouldn’t be doing.

I read somewhere that our habits are driven by these eight primary emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, and joy. (I looked it up, it was said by Robert Plutchik)

In order to change a habit, we must really want it. No one else can make us change our habit. It has to come from your own desires. And if we can associate a positive emotion to the breaking of that habit, it helps even more.

When I tried to quit smoking several years ago, at first I didn’t really want to do it. So I didn’t. I mean, I would say I wanted to, and I took steps to do it, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to.

However, there came a point when I got a desire to do it. I decided that I didn’t want my children to pick up the habit of smoking, so I did something about it. I went to a hypnotist and I used the visual that he gave me over and over in my mind, until smoking no longer had power over me. It was actually the hardest thing I have ever done, but I’m so glad I did it.

According to the experts, if we try to add a good habit into our lives, the 21 days of doing the habit helps our muscle memory to keep doing it. However, it takes 14 days for an old habit to lose its grip on us. So for 2 weeks, we’re mostly trying to fight against that bad habit, but the 3rd week becomes that sweet spot when we can actually see that a change may just be possible, and we begin reaping some of the rewards.

An exception to this is that it takes 45 days to break an addiction. So if you’re trying to give up smoking, drugs, and I think some people are truly addicted to sugar; these things can take longer.

So in saying all this, I really just wanted to brag about reaching one of my goals. For 21 days–as of today–I have successfully been accomplishing my first goal. Yay!

What was my first goal? Glad you asked. This is from my list I made about the improvements I wanted to make for this year:

  • Start a Keto eating plan
  • Keep track of my eating in an app
  • Watch or read about keto each day
  • Check out new recipes
  • Make keto friendly grocery list

For the last 21 days, I have been able to stick to the Keto way of eating, I’ve watched hours of Youtube videos on keto diets, keto foods, keto benefits, and keto recipes. I’ve learned about it, talked about it, written about it; it has consumed my life for the last three weeks. And so what is the reward that helps me to want to continue with this habit?

I’ve lost 10 lbs! Reaching my first goal of 2019, and giving me the desire to continue in the habit. My next goal in weight loss is 20 more lbs. by April 15. (Happy Birthday to me!)

Onto the next habit-changing, life-changing goal: Be more active on my blog! And you guys can really help with this, by being active with me. Leave a commit, share on social media, you can even sign up to receive all updates by email.

So, what about you guys? Did you set any goals for this year? Share them in the comment box below.

Goal Setting Part 2

Two weeks in, and I’m still working on my goals. I feel like 2019 may just be my year!

Ok, since goal setting is a new concept for me, I of course have been doing a lot of research on the subject. And apparently, everyone is talking about SMART Goals. Do you know this concept? I didn’t until, well, last week.

So SMART Goals is, of course, an acronym (which is why I keep capitalizing the word SMART).

Apparently, to succeed in goal setting, your goals must be:

•    Specific

•    Measurable

•    Attainable

•    Relevant

•    Time-bound

The advice I’ve been reading about says firstly to write down your goals, which I had already done because I’m a list maker.

Secondly, make sure each goal is following the SMART way to set a goal.

Other advice was to keep the number of goals manageable. Work on 3 to 5 goals instead of making a page full of dreams and wishes.

And I found this point interesting, don’t share your goal with the public. The reason; although we all need accountability; we should only share our goals with a select few who are willing to help us to succeed. So, I guess I shouldn’t be writing about my goals, although one of the reasons I’m doing it is to keep me accountable. We’ll see if I should have taken that advice or not.

After all my research, I went back through my list of goals and examined them again. I have 5, so according to the experts, that should be doable. Are my goals:

Specific – yes

Measurable – yes

Attainable – should be

Relevant – very

Time-bound – well, not all of them, I’ll work on that

So far, I’ve only been working on 2 of my goals, because I don’t want to get “weary in well doing”. And so far, I feel fairly successful in both areas.

Will next week bring unforeseeable complications?

Will I be able to keep up with the rigors of goal setting?

Will there be any more posts on goal setting?

Tune in next week and find out.

Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment and let me know you’re there.

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4

Goal Setting

Goal setting has never been my forte. Don’t get me wrong, It’s not like I’ve never tried to set goals. Believe it or not, there are things about me that need to change: I should lose weight, I should be more prompt, I should spend more time reading my Bible, and being in prayer, and I should work on internal things like patience, kindness, and procrastination. But oddly enough, I don’t like to fail, so why would I set myself up for failure? What a terrible way to start anew year.

I came to this conclusion about 20 years ago—think about it—all year long I love eating; I like living a “sedentary” lifestyle; I naturally put things off until tomorrow.

“Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow”.

(Quoting my Dad. I guess I take after him.)

But magically on January 1 (of any given year) I’m expected to believe that I will be able to change everything about my life and start behaving differently. I can’t see that happening.

No, I’m not a goal setter, usually. However, this year I have decided maybe it’s time for me to mix it up a little bit and maybe, possibly improve some things about myself.

So, I made a list, because I am a list maker. I actually think that contributes to my procrastination, but alas, that’s another post.

But this time I’m listing goals. Wow! I’ve already improved my life, because I have become a Goal Setter!! What a great year!

Listing the things that I want to improve helps me keep track of what I’m working on. It’s so easy for one day to pass on to another day, and I soon forget what I was supposed to be doing. Anyone else like that?

When I decided to change my eating habits this past week (notice I didn’t start on Jan. 1, just saying), I thought about setting an alert on my phone, just to remind me not to snack. Because the first day on the new eating plan, I started to reach for a piece of chocolate, and I almost had it in my mouth before I realized what I was doing. Habits are hard to break.

I also do a lot of research on things that I want to improve. This helps keep it in the front of my thought process, which in turn helps me keep the chocolate out of my mouth.

Because I want to improve in a few different areas of my life, I decided to implement them in staggering steps. I can’t expect a life time of negative habits to change just because it’s a new year, so I’m trying to give each modification time to become a part of my lifestyle.

So, that’s what I’m doing:

Making a list

Checking it twice

I’ll keep you informed, if I’m naughty or nice. What about you? Are you a goal setter? Do you make resolutions each year? Do you keep them? If you do, let me know the secret to your success.

calf lying in a field

The Saga Of Number Nine Bovine


Number Nine Nearly has a “Nother

October already! The leaves are changing…the weather is cooler. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but the days seem to be passing at an alarming rate!

The fall calving season is well underway. It’s been very successful so far this year; we have even had 2 sets of twins! Unfortunately, we did lose one, but the other 3 are doing well. All of the mommas have been protecting their babies from their predators, and we are about to get our largest calf crop ever! Continue reading The Saga Of Number Nine Bovine

smoked sausage goulash

Smoked Sausage Goulash

Smoked Sausage Goulash

Smoked Sausage Goulash – This recipe isn’t actually a “goulash”, but I liked the name. It could be called a casserole, or a stew, but goulash sounded exotic! 
I threw this together at the last minute (sorta like all of my recipes), and it’s become one of our favorites. I usually cook up a pan of cornbread to go with it. It’s simple, easy, and most importantly QUICK!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time35 minutes
Course: Main Course
Keyword: casserole, dinner, goulash, green beans, main dish, potatoes, smoked sausage, supper
Servings: 4
Author: Cindra Enloe


  • 16 oz. rope Sausage like Eckrich Smoked Sausage, cut into 1/2″ slices
  • 5 medium potatoes cut into bite-sized cubes (peeling is optional)
  • 1 can green beans, drained
  • 1/2 cup water
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste
  • olive oil


  • Drizzle 1 or 2 Tbsp of olive oil into a 10″ skillet. Heat skillet before putting in the sausage.
  • When skillet is hot, cook the rope sausage on medium high heat until some of the pieces are browned.
  • Stir in 1/2 cup water, stir around on bottom to pick up all that wonderful flavor; add the potatoes and green beans. Add salt, pepper and garlic to taste.
  • Give it a good stir, and then cover and simmer until potatoes are fork tender, approximately 20 min. Stir once or twice while simmering.
    smoked sausage goulash
mom and daughter sitting on a park swing

Passing On The Praises Of God

mom and daughter sitting on a park swing
passing on the praises of God

One generation shall commend Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4

When my children were small, the first prayer they learned to pray was,

God is great,

God is good,

Let us thank Him

For our food.

Typical, right? I’m sure this is probably the #1 “first prayer” that all children learn.

However simple the words in this child’s prayer may seem, they are quite profound in meaning.

Continue reading Passing On The Praises Of God