Category Archives: Home

Romans 8:26, 27

Knowing How to Pray

Do you ever experience the feeling that your prayers go no higher than the ceiling? That you are not being heard, or maybe you feel like you are not using the right words.

When I feel like that, I usually stop praying. I feel like it’s a waste of time. I reason with myself saying if God isn’t going to hear, why do I keep talking?

But as Christians, our prayers never stop at the ceiling. They soar up to the throne of God. Because when we pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Romans 8:26-27 (NASB)

Someone once said, “Praying is the only human endeavor where trying to do it is doing it.” To try to pray is to pray!

Even when I don’t feel like I’m praying, I am. God hears me, no matter what I’m feeling. Praying is an act of obedience, the hearing of and answering of prayer is God’s job, not mine.

So, when I don’t feel like I’m praying, I remind myself that it is just a feeling and I can change that.

Through the isolation of the recent COVID flu, I encountered a deeper connection with God and the joy of communicating with Him as my Father.

Praying through Bible verses and passages is one of the techniques I used, which has prompted me to be more committed to my Bible study. 

I would encourage you, if you feel like your prayer time is lacking, to try this technique. It’s not new, by any means, but it is simple, effective—and enjoyable! I genuinely love it, so here it is:

Take any verse of the Bible. Literally, any verse or passage (you can even use Leviticus!)

  1. Read it.
  2. Pray it.

Recently, I did this with Matthew 6:

  1. I read verse 9, “Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.” 
  2. Then I prayed, “Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have adopted me into Your family and that I now belong to You. You have made me to be a co-heir with Christ Your Son and have given me the privilege to call you Abba Father.

Then I went to verse 10:

  1. I read, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
  2. I prayed, “Thank You for Your promised kingdom that Jesus brought to us when He was here on earth. I ask You to help me to be alert in doing Your will, following Your way, and obeying Your word as sincerely and completely as Jesus did the work You had given to Him while He was here. 

This is the framework. Two simple steps. 

Read it. Pray it.

In doing this, you can read and pray for as long as you desire, knowing that the Father hears every word you utter.

Let me know in the comments how this works for you.

Knowing How to Pray

-be blessed!

Romans 8:26, 27
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous

Be Strong and Courageous

I know you are out there. I’ve talked to you, and I’ve seen your posts on FB, received your videos in Messenger, and gotten your tweets on Twitter. I know you are feeling frustrated, fearful, or maybe just irritated about this Corona/Covid catastrophe.

I am, too. In fact, the whole world is feeling it! Not just our neighborhood, or our state, or our country, but the whole world has been affected by the upheaval.

Recently, I was surprised to find out just how much I have been affected by it. You see, I’m an optimist by nature. My favorite song is by Louie Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World”. My other favorite is “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, so you can see how hopelessly hopeful I am.

When the lock downs first started, I was completely against it. Giving up freedom to any degree goes against the grain (it’s an American trait!). And although I wanted to kick and rebel and defy, I felt the Lord was telling me to sit down and be quiet. Unfortunately, if you look back on some of my news feed you will see that I wasn’t completely compliant with those orders either (but I have worked that out with Him).

After the 2 weeks turned into 3 weeks, my frustration kept peaking, but I could hear the Lord gently rebuking me with the verse found in Jeremiah 12:5 (loosely translated), “if the footmen tire you, how are you going to race against the horses?”

Day after day confusing reports filled the air. You heard it; conflicting reports about wearing masks, going out, staying in, keeping your distance, daily reports of people who “probably” died of Covid-19. But as it happens, things become “the normal”, and I began to settle into the benefits of being quarantined, with an occasional outburst of irritation to the Lord. (I’ll spare you the details).

Then something changed. My frustration became compassion, my irritation became empathy, and my occasional outbursts to the Lord about the world going crazy, became an endearing quest of seeking a deeper, intimate relationship with the God of the universe.

I can’t tell you everything that I have gone through, it would take too much time, but there will be evidences of this journey that you will see here, and if you know me personally, I hope you will also observe them in my every-day walk.

So, let me go back to the beginning: I know you are out there. You who are frustrated, irritated, anxious, fearful, upset, annoyed. But let me encourage you to stop listening to the flash-in-the-pan news flooding the airwaves, trying to get us all worked up. 

Instead, read your Bible. A Psalm a day, a Proverbs a day, the book of John or Romans – it doesn’t matter where you start.  There are 66 books to choose from, just pick one. 

Get into the Word and be encouraged. Work through a devotional or a gratitude journal. Or start a prayer list and pray often. Listen to preaching on the radio, instead of the constant drip, drip, drip of shock radio.

After God’s gentle rebuke to me a few weeks ago, He encouraged me with another verse which is found in Joshua 1:9:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

So, if this world and all that is happening has you confounded, I challenge you to not allow your heart to be troubled. If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, be encouraged by the fact that although this world is going through some crazy changes, we serve a God who never changes. And He cares for you like a mother hen cares for her chicks.

Be Strong and Courageous!
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous

Easter-time Epiphany

This is the first time in almost 40 years that I have not stayed up all night sewing an Easter dress or a tie; or prepared the house or a meal for Easter dinner; or created a goodie bag to give away at church; or stuffed plastic eggs with coins for an Easter egg hunt with the grandkids. This will be the first Easter since my kids have been grown that we won’t be laughing and debating and solving the world’s problems around the dinner table while feasting on Amanda’s ham, Shannon’s strawberry salad, April’s yeast rolls, and Miranda’s world famous carrot cake.
Makes me emotional; makes my heart a little sad.

As I was sitting here considering these things, I began thinking of Christ’s disciples and how they may have been feeling the night before.

Some of them had been with Jesus for 3 years. Watching Him, listening to His teachings. John the baptizer had told them He was the Messiah— the One they had been waiting on to save them. They saw Him perform miracles—the blind were given sight, the lame began to walk, the deaf could hear, and they had even witnessed the dead come back to life!

What a glorious celebration they participated in when, just a few days earlier they entered Jerusalem. Everyone dancing and laughing and shouting out to Jesus as they laid palm leaves before Him, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Hosanna!”

And then some of them participated in the Passover meal where Jesus told them things that they could not believe—“One of you will betray Me””, He confided. One by one they began to ask, “Is it I, Lord?” But Judas knew he was the one. Taking on the duties of a servant, He washed their feet and told them they wouldn’t understand the complete meaning until afterwards. He told them that He was going someplace they wouldn’t be able to go. How confused they must have been.

Those closest to Him went with Him to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus, unknowingly to them, spent hours agonizing over His duty to follow the Father’s will, but totally surrendered to completing the work He had come to do.

They were awakened to the clatter of oncoming soldiers as Judas identified Jesus with a kiss on His check. He was taken away. The disciples scattered, and watched from afar as Jesus was falsely accused, tried unfairly throughout the night; beaten, mocked, and humiliated by the Roman soldiers; betrayed by His own people, and inhumanely crucified on a cruel and degrading cross.

Now, Jesus was gone. He was dead. The disciples and all the others who followed Jesus were hiding—fearing for their lives. The sorrow of Jesus’ death was more than any describable sorrow. Jesus was their friend, yes. He was a great teacher, yes. A wise prophet, yes. But they had believed Him to be the Son of God! So many things pointed to that evidence. They witnessed them all! But what now? What were they to do now? They had given up everything to follow Him.

So another day had passed. Another long day filled with sorrow. Another day of hopelessness. Another long night of fear, agony, and despair.

And then it happened. Well, it happened and then they saw. The tomb was empty and Jesus was alive! My heart SOARS as I think on these things! I can’t imagine how His disciples felt! No wonder they we’re able to set the world on fire for Christ! No wonder we’re still celebrating the miracle of His resurrection 2,000 years later.

I can’t wait to receive my resurrected body! I can’t wait to see my Savior’s face! I can’t wait to walk the streets of Heaven!

Oh! I hope I see you there! I can’t wait!! God bless you on this very special Resurrection Day!! He is Risen Indeed! All glory to God!!

I Get A Do-Over

I Get a Do-Over

Sometimes it’s great to have a do-over. For example, The Farmer and I went to a tractor pull a couple of weeks ago, and historically, the first guy that pulls, not only wins the right to pull 1st, but he also wins the right to choose to re-do his 1st pull, which is a great advantage if your 1st pull isn’t very good.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case in one of the participants that we witnessed. The 1st guy that decided to re-pull a 2nd time, did worse on the 2nd pull than on his 1st pull. Oops.

Well, I’m claiming a do-over on my journey to losing weight, but after that 1st example I’m now 2nd guessing my 1st decision.

The Do-Over

But this isn’t really my 1st do-over, I had dabbled with the keto way-of-eating a few years back. It is so doable, but I just wasn’t committed.

In January, I decided to reorganize a lot of different areas in my life and I’m pretty excited that it’s July and I’m still talking about achieving my goals … For me, that’s quite an accomplishment. (as I pat myself on the back)

So, from January to middle of June, I averaged a loss of 1 lb. per week. Not a great number (there were a couple of weeks in March that I fell off the wagon), but definitely better than I had done the year (or months) before.

After I stopped the 28-Day Keto Challenge, I’ve just been flip-flopping back and forth, on and off, trying and not caring, until now. Now I’ve decided to commit.

I’m keeping track here on my blog and will be posting important and not so important stuff concerning my journey. Maybe you’ll find something that will interest you.

If you would like to receive updates and help keep me accountable, sign up by entering your name and email into the contact box on the right side of this page. (Scroll down to the bottom if you’re on your phone)

The Plan

  • To keep track of my meals, I’ll be posting my meals on Instagram to keep myself accountable. Just quick meal pics throughout the day. If you want to follow along, you can find me on @cindraenloe
  • I’ll be loosely following a meal plan designed by Drew Manning (fit2fat2thin)
  • Keeping my macros at 75% healthy fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbs, and under 1200 calories
  • I’m narrowing my eating window to 8 hrs.—12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, but will eventually decrease that as I begin intermittent fasting
  • Increasing my water intake
  • And only weighing myself 1x/week (well, only recording it 1x/wk)

They say that slow and steady is the best way to lose weight; 1-2 lbs. per week. I’m of course hoping for more, but we’ll see, I guess. I may get started and be thankful for 3 lbs./month!

Not gaining weight is losing weight

Too Much Information

If this is too much (boring) information for you, I’m sorry. If you stick around, you’ll see this is not all I’m going to be posting.

There are a lot of people out there that have proven that the keto way-of-eating is beneficial for weight loss and health benefits, so I’m excited to share my story.

And I figure there is no better accountability like telling everyone you know what your plans are. But connecting with you guys during my 28-Day Keto Challenge helped me to stay on track better than if I had done it alone. (Thanks!)

I hope to share some of the recipes that I’ve come across and some of the products that I hope will make this journey easier.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

So, it begins…

Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links, which means I will make a small compensation when you click on them or make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.

The Sound of Silence

Sounds come at us all day long. People talking, children laughing (or fighting), conversations with our spouse, traffic passing by, doors opening and shutting, food cooking, birds, bullfrogs, and buzzings outside. No matter where we are or where we go, there is noise. And yes, if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, it still makes a noise!

Do you ever just need to hear silence? I mean, maybe you’re not as desperate as I am, but I find it so hard to find a time alone; a quiet place where I can—you know—hear silence.

My world is so crazy, so busy, so crowded, (like many of us, I’m sure) that I find myself always looking for an opportunity to not talk, not interact. Don’t get me wrong, I love people, I love spending time with my family and friends. But sometimes I just need – Silence.

When I wake up early in the morning, sometimes I hesitate to breathe because I’m afraid someone will hear, and all the noises of the day will begin; distracting me from what really is important to me the first thing in the morning—listening to God.

Small Still Voice

With all the noises in life, it’s hard to hear the small, still voice that is God’s.

When my kids were small, if I had something important for them to hear, I would wait for them to quiet down, and when I was sure they were listening I would try to clearly explain to them what I wanted them to know, or what I was expecting of them.

If they were distracted in any way—watching TV, playing a video game, reading a book—they usually would not hear me correctly, completely, or not at all!

Sometimes, if I really needed them to listen to me, I would get on their level, put my hand on their shoulder, look them in the eyes and in a hushed tone (sometimes through gritted teeth, depending on the situation at hand) I would tell them what was expected of them.

And it’s usually during our quiet times together when I tell them how much I love them, or that I’m proud of them, or that I think they’re doing a terrific job being a human being.

Take Time to Listen

I believe the Lord speaks to us in the same way. I mean, yeah, He could boom His message through the clouds, or shout something out like the rumble of thunder, but He chooses to speak to us in hushed, loving tones as we seek to find His will for our life.

He lovingly tells us that He has a plan for our life, and if we are willing to listen, He will show us the paths to walk.

Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

He whispers to us when we are afraid or unsure or have something hard to face.

In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?

Psalm 56:11 (NIV)

Have I not commanded you? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

He lays His hand upon our shoulder and assures us that we are not alone, and that no matter how lonely we feel, He is always there.

…He is not far from each one of us:

Acts 17:27 (ASV)

… For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)

…I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Matthew 28:20 (KJV)

And as His children, it’s so important that we turn off the TV, the radio, the phone, the world, the noise, and find a place of silence where we can look into the Father’s face and listen to what He is longing for us to hear.

…He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

Devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God…

1 Chronicles 22:19 (NIV)

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)

Amazon Affiliate Links

I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you use my affiliate links below. Thank you!

Oswald chambers was a preacher/teacher from the early 1900’s. His book “My Upmost for His Highest” is one of the most popular devotionals to date. Below are some of his books, including “My Upmost for His Highest”.

American flag

America Is Great

American flag
credit: DWilliams

Making America Great

I love America! I believe there is no other place on earth that is as great as this country. 

I praise the Lord that I have been blessed to live in a country that its very foundation is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our nation’s core principle is freedom; freedom of peoples, freedom of properties, and freedom of religions. 

Our founding fathers did a great job of creating our government. With total dependence on God, they constructed our Constitution with the idea that we are all created equal and that we should have equal opportunity to pursue happiness.

I mean think about it; we Americans came into a strange foreign land and created a new nation! I mean, who does that? (Well, except the whole thing between God and Israel)

But with God’s provision and wisdom, our country was built on the shoulders of great leaders, breaking free from the strong hand of tyranny to do the impossible. Others fought the perils of nature itself to tame an uninhabited landscape. While others gave their lives on foreign soil to keep this country from those who sought to destroy her ideas; and are still doing so today.

America’s Great Legacy

And although some today would have us to believe differently, our forefathers (and mothers) relied deeply on guidance from our heavenly Father God in forming this nation.

During the Constitutional Convention, when it seemed hopeless to bring all parties into agreement, Benjamin Franklin called for unity and offered these words of wisdom:

“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel.”

–Benjamin Franklin

America’s 1st President was a devout Christian who often invoked guidance from God as he attempted to wisely lead our newly developed country.

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”
– George Washington

And during a dark era when our country was literally divided within, President Lincoln offered these words of wisdom:

“And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God … and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”
– Abraham Lincoln

Although there are many, many examples of Christians petitioning the Lord for wisdom and guidance and evoking others to do the same, I will stop with this last quote from Samuel Adams:

We have this day [Fourth of July] restored the Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His Kingdom come.
– Samuel Adams

Keeping America Great

And although we have people fighting and feuding over what the best ideas are for our country to move forward, we can look at our past and predict our future by this one quote from 1 Chronicles 7:14:

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.

What a great inheritance we Americans have been given! And what a great commission we Christians have been entrusted.

Please remember to pray for the America.

America! America! 
God shed his grace on thee 
And crown thy good with brotherhood 
From sea to shining sea!

–Katherine Lee Bates

8 Ways to Make $1.95 In Only 30 Days

Make Cash Online

Have you ever wanted to make money online?

Oh, yeah. We’ve all heard the stories:

Make $100 a day doing what you love!

Get paid to just wake up!

10 Ways to Make Money While Traveling the World!

Make $100,000 in the next 30 days!

Well, I’ve actually clicked on a lot of those scams. Not those exactly, but things like “Become a Virtual Assistant” “Make Money Blogging” “Become a Writer in 30 Days”

Caution: Rant Coming Up, Stay to the Right

Of course, I do have a blog (that’s where you are now), but I’m not making money from blogging. A lot of people are making money from blogging, but some of them are doing something that I have a problem with–they’re selling INFORMATION. Not products just regurgitated information.

Information! They are actually selling books and ebooks and courses and webinars and starting clubs and tribes and membership sites that are filled with other people wanting to sell books and ebooks and courses, and webinars… Like their mentors, they’re wanting to SELL the thing that anyone can find for free online!

I’ve had it. I’ve had it with my email boxes being filled up to the gigabytes with soliciting emails because I gave them my address so I could get a “free” report or a “free” recipe.

The other day I saw a cookbook that had keto desserts in them for “FREE!”, just pay shipping. Ok, I’m not stupid. Shipping doesn’t cost $8.99 (plus tax, really?) for media mail to anywhere, look it up.

Although I don’t have a problem paying for a physical item, like a cookbook that’s being mailed to me, I do have a problem with the fact that they believe that I believe that they are giving me something for nothing when it’s actually costing me something.

Limited Offer

At any rate, I entered my information and clicked. Another window opened up with a “limited time” offer for $29.99 w/free shipping. I clicked No Thanks. Another window popped up with another “time-limited” offer. It had the clock clicking down for emphasis. I clicked No Thanks. ANOTHER window popped up!! By this time, I was going to cancel the first “free” offer, so I clicked the No Thanks button, again. It didn’t take me back to my original order, unfortunately, but the last click placed my order and I was immediately “Congratulated” for acting on such a great, time-sensitive, free deal.

Ugh! Whatever… Yes, I know I’m very susceptible to suggestive advertising. I know that it’s just a bunch of “gotcha bait”. I know it’s a waste of time and money. I know every time, but there’s a little voice in my brain whispering, “But what if it’s different this time?” “Maybe this is the golden goose.” “I’m sure you can glean some knowledge from what they say.”

No. Nope. Nada. Everyone is just trying to sell the next bestest, greatest, newest thing—and they’ve got nothing.

If I Could Write a Book

I could write a book books on all the things I have followed down the rabbit trail. The webinars alone… Don’t get me started. Okay, just this one point.

>So, there’s always been webinars where someone puts together a little video or does a live chat with an audience–I don’t have a problem with that. However, the last few (several) webinars that I have attended are ALL an hour long or longer. What!? Who has time for that? Who thought that would be a good idea? I assume it’s the whole salesman attitude that as long as you have your foot in the door, you can make the sell. Or a version of that. But I have to say, the longer I’m online listening to someone explain, and re-explain and over-explain a plan, I’m not buying the product.

Act Now on this One-Time Offer!

>Oh! And speaking of buying (just one more thing)—remember the whole sales pitch about, “You’re not going to pay $99. Not even $79. You’re not even going to pay $59 for this bundle of information that you can get for free on the internet. No! The total cost of this exclusive course, if you act now, is only $29.99 plus shipping and handling.”

Does that sound familiar?

Not anymore. Every webinar that I have listened to in the last year or two is charging upwards to $1000.00!!!!! Yes, one thousand! And more! Well, some are $895; others are $795. One was over $2,000!

If I had that kind of money, I wouldn’t need to be trying out their money-making products.

Real Ways to Make Some Extra Cash

Ok, rant over. I’m sure not all of you have experienced this. You’re probably strong enough to resist the temptation of impulse buying. It’s just one of my many weaknesses.

However, in saying ALL that (and at the risk of sounding like a charlatan) I do make money online. But the things that I am listing are legit and free to join, and does not lead you down any rabbit trails to be upsold.

The first way I make extra cash is by using Swagbucks. This is a search engine that you use instead of Google or Yahoo or Bing. There’s no extra advertising. Just sign up for a free account, set your homepage to Swagbucks, and you will begin to receive “Swagbucks” for different search terms that you enter. It’s all random so you can’t game the system. However, after you get 1,000 Swagbucks, you can redeem them for gift cards or other merchandise. I cash mine in for Amazon credit most of the time or Paypal.

Click Here >>Swagbucks referral if you want to use my affiliate link.

The next way I earn a little cash is by using a portal called Rakuten, formally known as Ebates. This by far is where I make most of my money. So this is how it works: sign up for a free account (using my affiliate link), download their Chrome app on your PC. When you are shopping online, a little reminder will pop up and ask if you want to get a percentage back on your shopping trip. Click “Yes” and it will open another window so you can shop in the same store but with a tracking number they provide.

After you purchase $25 worth of merchandise, we both will receive $10. But you will continue to earn every time you shop. I get a check from them about every 3 months. Especially useful during the Christmas shopping season!

Sign up using my affiliate link here>>Rakuten

And of course there are phone apps that you can download to help with saving money:

Fetch Rewards–scan grocery receipts to earn 1% or more. They have lots of different rewards, but if you want cash they have Visa/Mastercard gift cards. You can click on the link, but you also have to use my referral code: EVRQ3

Getupside– I downloaded this the day after I filled up my tank, but a quick look on the app shows that I could’ve earned $.11/gal. for that day. You can get paid via gift cards, PayPal, or they will send you a check. You’ll get $.15/gal. back the first time you use, and so will I (so thanks!) You may have to enter my referral code: GY3RU

Ibotta – earn actual cash and redeem it for gift cards, or have it sent it to your PayPal or Venmo account. referral code JWCDTBL

Rakuten–I listed this above, but be sure to download the phone version (app) use this EVERYTIME you shop online on your phone. I purchased an appliance online and received over $200 cash back. You can download an extension on your PC or an app on your phone. You’ll receive money back in a check.

Shopkick–earn rewards by scanning and shopping for items in various stores. You even earn for walking into the store! If you remember to turn on the app, before walking through the doors. Rewards are paid through gift cards like Target, Amazon, Sephora and lots of others. My referral code is JOY996593

All these begin to add up, however, it’s not a quit-your-job kind of money. More like a let’s-go-out-to-eat kind of money.

Affiliate Marketing

Another way I make money online is by being an affiliate of different products. All the various products I have on my website are affiliate links to Amazon. Which mean, if you click on them or purchase them, I will receive some cash at no extra cost to you.

Another is the 28-Day Keto Challenge. This is a very well laid out plan. But again, you can find it online EVERYWHERE! You can even find some free online plans. Of course, some of them are trying to upsell to something else, and you know how I feel about that.

I’m also a Bluehost affiliate. Bluehost is a hosting company like GoDaddy and HostGator and lots of other ones. If you have ever wanted to start a website or a blog, you need a host. I’m an affiliate for Bluehost because that’s who hosts this site, I highly recommend them for a few reasons.

Firstly, it’s very economical at $3.95/month, if you pay yearly; I think it’s $7.95 if you pay monthly.

Secondly, I have dealt with them for years and they have an awesome customer support team. Quick to respond, knowledgeable, and professionally friendly.

Thirdly, and I consider this to be impressively important, Bluehost does NOT host adult sites.

If you love to write and want to start a blog, I highly recommend Bluehost. If you have a business and want to take it online, start a website–and I would be most appreciative if you would use my affiliate link here>> Bluehost *if you need help setting up a website or a blog, contact me by leaving a comment below and I will be more than excited to help you set that up!

Wait There’s More!

Make sure you sign up for Rakuten first, because they will give you $10 cash for signing up for Bluehost. And as I was getting my referral link, I noticed that right now Bluehost is advertising for $2.95/month!

Okay. End of Special Announcements.

If you find any of this information useful, great! I hope it helps you out. Share it with others and help them out. Which in turn helps me out. Whatever makes the world turn, right?

My Keto Journey – Week 3 and Week 4

My Keto Journey – Week 3 and 4

I can’t stand the thought of giving details about not following this Keto Challenge correctly for the next two weeks, so I’m giving the results of the 28-Day Keto Challenge Week 3 and Week 4 together.

“Sorry Keto Challenge, but I can’t be with you anymore. It’s not you, it’s totally me.”

Seriously, the plan works. Unfortunately, I didn’t use it to its full potential. It’s totally doable, the meal plan is simple, the cook times are quick, and you could easily prepare some of the meals ahead of time or to take along with you. I just wasn’t that resourceful.

So to sum up the last two weeks (caution TMI):

On Sundays, I usually fast through breakfast and lunch, and then we go out for dinner. One Sunday we went out to Arby’s, so that was good. You can get a classic roast beef—I got 2 because that’s all I was eating for the day—and add mayo. 500 calories, 2% carbs, 74% fat, 24% protein. Like the perfect meal!

Mondays I fast breakfast, or just drink bulletproof coffee, usually lunch with the girls and Mom, and I like to bring home supper. However, in week 3 we didn’t get together, but I went out to the movies with daughter #5 later that evening. I did well all day until I walked into the theater and the sweet, warm, buttery aroma of popcorn assaulted my senses.

Tuesday I stayed on the meal plan, even though I baked cookies for the Neighborhood Watch meeting for that night. It helped that daughter #4 brought out the break-and-bake cookies you get in the frozen section. I wouldn’t have been able to resist all that ooey-gooey wonderness of chocolate chip cookie dough.

Wednesday daughter #3 came over and we tested out a new recipe in her Instant Pot. It was amazing! The name of the dish is Instant Pot Salsa Chicken with Lime and Melted Mozzarella. You’ll find the recipe at Kalyn’s Kitchen

Thursday, week 3, I went to the dentist with daughter #4 and we, of course, ate lunch out. Taco Bell has a power bowl that is great for the keto lifestyle if you take off the rice and black beans. So I did. The next Thursday I ate out at KFC—no potatoes, no cookie, just 2 drumsticks.

Friday is usually pizza night. I fix homemade pizza for The Farmer and cheesy crust pizza for me. Super easy, super delicious. In week 4, instead of eating pizza I ate Mexican. You can eat low carb at a Mexican restaurant, but I didn’t. Pollo Zarape—chicken, cheese, and rice.

Saturday night we always go out. That’s been our date night for years. However, in week 3 we were too tired even to run into town and bring something home! I mean, that’s tired. I can’t remember what we did, but it wore us out. Had to be farm work, because I don’t work that hard doing housework.

The next week we did go out. We ate at a buffet, and it went really well. I ate mostly meats and a small salad with ranch dressing. Unfortunately, I finished the night off with a delicious, but very small, piece of Banana Split Cake

On Father’s Day, I fasted breakfast and lunch, but broke the fast with a snack size bag of Cheetos, in honor of my Dad (his favorite) and a little piece of Banana Split Cake in honor of The Farmer (his favorite).

Monday- fasted breakfast, fried chicken for lunch, fasted supper

Tuesday- In week 4, I spent the whole day grazing on bologna, peanut butter, and cream cheese. For supper I had fried fish (no breading) and asparagus spears, which were a little overcooked.

Wednesday-no breakfast, bologna, peanut butter, a very small hamburger, and tiny little dill pickles. More bologna for supper, mayo, more peanut butter, and pork rinds. It was my grazing day.

Fun Fact

Firstly, the few days I went off script and didn’t eat what was on the meal plan, I watched my macros (fats, proteins, and carbs) and was able to keep them at a good percentage. For example, the fried chicken I ate on Monday was totally in my macros:

  • 15 carbs
  • 29 fat
  • 37 protein

However, I was sure to add healthy fats into my dinner meal, to keep me in ketosis. The problem was that I didn’t use all the foods on the meal plan.

Secondly, I discovered this week that I’m a Dirty Keto Dieter. I didn’t know it before, but this way of eating is separated into three different categories: Strict Keto, Lazy Keto, and Dirty Keto. I linked that to an informative article written by Rachel, on her website Aussie Keto Queen. She’s from Australia, in case you couldn’t tell by the name.

I assumed I would be in the Lazy Keto category, but come to find out I’m in the Dirty Keto category. Sounds like a subject for another post!

The Results of Week 3 and Week 4 on the Keto 28-Day Challenge

So what are my results for week 3 and 4?

In week 3 I lost 2 lbs. and in week 4 I lost another 2 lbs. Must be a thing with me. My total inches lost at the end of the 28-Day Keto Challenge is 14!! YES!

The total inches I’ve lost in the 5 areas I’ve been tracking are:

  • Waist: 5 inches
  • Hips: 2 inches
  • Arms: 2 inches
  • Chest: 3 inches
  • Thigh: 2 inches

Pros and Cons—

The pros of the 28-Day Keto Challenge is that it works! The materials that are included give you the keto basics, teaches how to calculate your macros, warns you about the keto flu and how to reduce its effects. It also gives an easy to follow meal plan.

The cons to the 28-Day Keto Challenge is nothing really, except on some days there are more carbs than I really want to consume. And a few days the lunch is really skimpy. Of course, if I ate breakfast, lunch would be enough.

I’m definitely going to keep some of recipes that I have collected. They are delicious and they have given me different options than I would normally prepare.

There have been other benefits to this way of eating that I would like to share some time, which I’m more excited about than the weight loss. Maybe the next post I will touch on some of those benefits. Oh! Btw, I’ve lost 23 lbs. so far!

I hope you stay connected and come back to visit. If you have tried the keto diet, or if you’re on it now, I would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. If you would like to start your own 28-Day Keto Challenge >>Click Here<< to use my affiliate link.

My First Before and After

before and after pics 2018-2019
May 2018 and June 2019

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My Keto Journey – Week 2

Disclaimer: I am an Amazon Affiliate, which means if you click through and make a purchase, I may earn a commission (I hope). This is at no extra cost to you. Or if you sign up for a program that I recommend, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

My Keto Journey – Week 2

When I began the Keto 28-Day Challenge, I thought I would be able to go through it fairly easily, because I’m a stay-at-home mom. And what do we assume stay-at-home moms do? Right! Stay at home. Mmmm. Not so much.

The first week went well, although I did have to substitute 2 meals because I was running errands. However, during week 2 there were a lot of skipped meals and substitutes. In fact, I reverted back to just trying to maintain my macros as opposed to following the meal plan.

Skipping breakfast was the biggest struggle I had in week 2. I usually don’t eat breakfast and so it was hard for me to remember to eat. By the time 9:00 or 10:00 rolled around, I would remember that I had forgotten and decided it was too close to lunchtime by then since I’m trying to keep my meals at least 5 hours apart.

There were several days spent out running errands in week 2, so lunch was usually a protein and a healthy fat out somewhere, and an unhealthy meal one day. Supper was just as chaotic. I only ate the meal plan two times.

The Success of Any Plan

Well, enough of the excuses. There is always something that comes between us and our “best laid plans”. However, the success of any plan has one key component if it’s to be accomplished; follow the plan. I failed to do that in week 2, which definitely shows in the final results of the week.

Fun Fact

Eating out on keto is not really as hard as you may think. It can be quite simple. For example, most fast food restaurants are familiar with people ordering low carb, so if you order a burger without a bun, they usually place it in a container on top of a leaf of lettuce and give you a spork to eat it with. You can have the meat, cheese, mustard, onions, mayo, tomato, bacon, and depending on how strict you want your carb count, you may also be able to get ketchup.

Arby’s is really keto friendly. A Classic Roast Beef with mayo is almost the perfect percentage of macros:
• Fat 74%
• Protein 25%
• Carbs 2%

KFC is okay, but not great. For example, 2 extra crispy drumsticks macros are:
• Fat 56%
• Protein 32%
• Carbs 12%
You could add some ranch dressing to bring up the percentage. The problem comes when you buy the KFC Value Box for $5 bucks and you are tempted to eat the mashed potatoes, the buttery biscuit, and the warm chocolate chip cookie. Then your macros look something like this:
• Fat 51%
• Protein 14%
• Carbs 35%

Fortunately, the Carb Manager lights up in red, labels the food with an “F”, and sends out warnings to “Avoid this food”!

It helps to have an app like Carb Manager to calculate the macros when you’re eating out.

The Results of Week 2 on the Keto 28-Day Challenge

So what are my results for week 2?

In week 2 I lost 2 lbs. Woo-Hoo! Not the greatest result, however, I did lose 3 inches off my waist, and in the 5 major areas that I’m tracking, I’ve lost a total of 9 inches.

Pros and Cons—So Far

The pros to the 28-Day Keto Challenge is that the recipes are simple and tasty. I’ve become more familiar with the plan, so I’m able to know what meal will allow me to have leftovers, and I’m able to incorporate them with my regular meal planning much easier.

The con has been totally on me. I haven’t used the plan to maximize it’s potential.

There have been other benefits to this way of eating that I would like to share some time, which I’m more excited about than the weight loss. Maybe at the end of this challenge I can.

In the meantime, stay tuned. If you have tried the keto diet, or if you’re on it now, I would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. If you would like to start your own 28-Day Keto Challenge >>Click Here<< to use my affiliate link.

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Image Credits: Pixabay.

My Keto Journey – Week 1

Since January 7 I’ve lost 19 lbs. on the ketogenic diet. Not too disappointing for a 59-year-old woman who has been overweight most of her life. And for a woman who lives by the principal:

“If you’re not gaining than you’re losing.”

So, in 5 months I’ve lost 4 lbs/month. Unfortunately, I screwed up for several days (weeks) when I fell off the wagon .

When I started the keto diet, I had been kind of winging it. I calculated my macros, settled on a certain number of calories I wanted to stay at, and tried to balance my percentages so my diet would consist of 80% healthy fats, 15% protein, and 5% carbs.

Fun Fact

I’m naturally a grazer. Maybe it has something to do with living on a beef farm, but I don’t think so. However, just as the cows like to slowly creep through the field, snipping up some grass here and there, raising their head and chewing on their cud for a little bit, and then go back to creeping and snipping, I do the same—just in the house.

Typically, I drink coffee in the morning, as I’m fixing The Farmer’s breakfast, I may snatch a piece of the bacon, drink another cup of coffee, and around 10:00 I go back into the kitchen to grab a little snack.

As I’m fixing his lunch, usually around 11:00, I may take a bite or two of whatever I’m fixing for him, drink a soda, eat some chips, munch on a cookie, and not be hungry enough to actually eat lunch.

Around 2:00, I go back into the kitchen, snoop through the cabinets or fridge looking for something simple to grab. Maybe a slice of ham, or a bag of chips (snack bag size), another cookie, and a diet soda.

4:00 another pass through the kitchen, but it’s pretty close to supper time, so I grab a snack cake and a cup of coffee.

5:30 we’re eating supper, and that’s after I’ve nibbled while I’m cooking.
Of course, it doesn’t end there, there’s a dessert while we watch TV that evening, then another snack, and if I stay up until 11:00 (which I do every night) there’s time for another snack.

Hmmm. I’m starting to realize that I may have a problem with food. You would think me being overweight would be the first clue.

At any rate, I’m not a big eater—like sitting down at a meal and eating a big ‘ole plate of food. In fact, calculating my calories of what I eat at meal time would show that I don’t eat that much. And when we go out to eat, I bring a to-go box home with half my leftovers. But I always eat the leftovers that I bring home before the night is over. And all the snacking I do is probably the reason I don’t eat more at meal time.

So, the point is I’m a grazer.

Grazing on Keto

I use the Carb Manager App, so it’s been fairly simple to keep track of my calculations while I’m doing keto, even as I’m still grazing. The difference has been that the snacks I’ve been eating have been low carb or zero carb.

However, in hopes of getting better results in weight loss, I’ve recently started a 28-Day Keto Challenge, which I purchased for $37.

After digitally receiving all of the material, I skimmed the plan, skimmed the recipes, made a quick grocery list and began the challenge.

In the first 2 days, I felt like I had the keto flu. Not sure that’s what I was really experiencing, because I’ve been in ketosis before, so my body is adapted to burning fats. It was probably coming off the insane amount of sugars that I had consumed the few days before. However, the material that I purchased included information on how to quickly get through the keto flu, and maybe prevent it altogether, but I hadn’t read it, because I didn’t think I would have a problem—and I was only skimming through what I thought I needed.

The food was better than I thought it would be when I first skimmed the recipes. Some recipes were familiar, like the eggs and ham. I have a recipe similar to it using bacon, but I call it “Birds in a Nest”. But some of the food I had never even bought before. I mean, who knows how to pick out an avocado? Is it supposed to be light green or dark green? Hard, soft, or squishy? Not to mention, every time I write avocado I misspell it—advocado, advacado, avacado

I spent 15 minutes in the cheese aisle looking for prosciutto, and finally remembered it was a slice of meat. Yeah, so there have been a few challenges. I’m still looking for goat cheese for my button mushrooms.

And because I “skimmed” through all the reading material, I messed up the challenge a little. Not too much, but I didn’t follow the meal plan like I should’ve, and there have been days that I wasn’t able to eat off the meal plan because I wasn’t home.

The Results of Week 1 on the Keto 28-Day Challenge

So what were my results for week 1?

I’m back down to my starting weight from where I gained weight! Yay!!

I lost 6 lbs. in the first week, which is not surprising considering how quickly I gained the 6 lbs. a few weeks ago.

Pros and Cons — So Far

Pros to the challenge: it seems to keep me more accountable because there is a plan. I haven’t been grazing.

Cons to the challenge: I think the only con in the first week is that it was unfamiliar to me, so there was a learning curve.

There have been other benefits to this way of eating that I would like to share some time, which I’m really more excited about than weight loss. I’ll share that soon.

Subscribe to my blog if you would like to be notified when I post something new. And if you would like to start your own 28-Day Keto Challenge >>Click here<< to use my affiliate link.

Anyone else out there doing the keto diet? Leave a comment below and let us know how you’re doing.

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Image Credits: Pexels from Pixabay.

memorial cemetery grave

Honor, Service, Sacrifice

This was a post from 2016. The tradition of service from The Sisters has been going on for years. Unfortunately, not all of them could make it this year, but the tradition continues.

memorial day weekend with the sisters

This weekend I was fortunate to spend time with my Mother and her sisters (aka The Sisters). We always have so much fun, and our time together is such a blessing to me.

Being Memorial Day weekend, I watched The Sisters dutifully attend to the graves of their loved ones. As I stood there in the cemetery watching them decorate the headstones with flowers and placing American flags near the men who had served in the military, I marveled at the devotion these dear ladies have towards those who have passed into life eternal; a husband, a child, their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws and friends. No one was left out, and each life was remembered through the kindness of my Mother and her sisters.

I’m grateful that we, as a Nation, have a special day set aside to honor all those who have given their life defending our freedoms and liberties. These men and women have given all that we may have all:

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The number of lives that have been given in the fight for, and the keeping of, our freedoms here in America is astounding. In the initial pursuit of freedom, 25,000 lives were lost during the Revolutionary War, almost 600,000 during the Civil War, during both World Wars there were over 500,000 lives sacrificed; Korea and Vietnam over 144,000. Hundreds of thousands of graves all over the world, mark the place of sacrifice where brave, heroic men and women have stood between America and those who want to destroy her.

memorial cemetery grave

And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb, and beauty weeps the brave.” 

–Joseph Rodman Drake

Riddle Me This

Riddle me this, Riddle me that,

I lose 20 lbs. and remain just as fat?

How is this possible?

In January, I started a new WOE (way of eating). I started the keto diet. You know, low carb, moderate protein, healthy fats.  I had aspirations of losing lots and lots of weight in just a few months, but like so many of my attempted goals, I failed.

Failed! That’s right. I slipped up. I cheated. I fell off the wagon.

No! I didn’t just fall off the wagon, I jumped! I took a belly flop right into a sea of carbs and reveled in its delicacies for days. I crawled back onto the wagon, rolled over to the other side, and took another plunge!

Oh sure, I had excuses for each time I cheated. It’s just this one time, just for the weekend, just for Sunday dinner, just for Mother’s Day, just while I’m on vacation until I allowed myself to swirl deeper and deeper into a carb-bingeing black hole.

The last two three days have been non-stop eating of anything and everything.

Two cups of coffee with lots of flavored creamer

Then a diet soda (of course) with a bag of Cheetos (left over from vacation)

A honey bun (also left over from vacation)

I went out with The Farmer for lunch to McD’s (my favorite) Quarter pounder with cheese, with a bun, with fries, with a diet coke (of course)

Another honey bun

A bag of chips (balancing the sweet and savory)

Another cup of coffee with extra creamer

Another honey bun (not a typo)

Ate supper with daughter #5 – low carb chicken parm, asparagus spears with parmesan and other cheeses (my attempt to balance my day)

Another honey bun

Another cup of coffee with extra creamer

Another diet soda (of course)

And since I stayed up late and didn’t get ready for bed until 11:30, I ate a nutty bar.

Yeah, and then today started off good with bulletproof coffee and a slice of bacon, but then at lunch I ate a bacon sandwich (not so bad) with toast (bad) with a pickle (that’s good) a diet soda (of course) and a nutty bar (oh, that’s bad).

So, as I sit here drinking my 3rd cup of coffee (my 2nd cup with extra creamer), I’m thinking I may need to do something different.

So, I, of course, came up with another plan; get on the computer and do more research (it’s one of my favorite things to do, plus it kills a lot of time and allows me to procrastinate).

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow, right?

I have read a lot of blogs and watched a lot of YouTube and have learned a lot about the keto WOE. I truly believe this WOE will work for me if I do it the way it’s supposed to be done.

So I found a 28-day Keto Challenge, that may help me keep on track; it gives me 28 days of meal plans, basic info about keto, explaining the diet and its benefits, and info on intermittent fasting (which I actually enjoy).

I’m hoping that a set plan will help me to stay on track. We’ll see. I’m going to be blogging about my process, so follow along and see where I land on this thing if you are interested.

If you would like to begin your own journey on the keto diet using this 28-day Plan >>Click Here<< to order a copy.

I can’t wait to start!

Oh! But not today, I will be going out with The Farmer for dinner (we go out every Saturday night). Tomorrow is Sunday, but that’s always an off day, so I guess I’ll start my diet on Monday. Or on Tuesday, since I need to go shopping. Yeah, probably on Tuesday. Wait! I won’t be able to shop until Wednesday. Thursday, for sure (probably). But this weekend is Memorial Weekend! Yikes! You see my dilemma (excuses).

Anyway, here’s my chart for Jan thru May. Bright side, all together I’ve lost 20 19 lbs. Unfortunately, I’ve gained 6 back.

I lost 20 lbs. but 1 lb was counted twice, so I actually was down only 19 lbs in April

Next goal: (ha!ha!) to stick to my diet for 28 days!


Disclosure: there are affiliate links on Life With a Farmer, which means I will profit a smidgen if you click a link or purchase something I recommend. It doesn’t cost you more, but the people who produce the products share their profit with me for telling you about them. Thank you! (in case you try something you think you might like)